Investigation to find the best material to cover a newborn sheep to reduce the heat loss and keep it warm

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James Murray


23rd April 2001

Investigation to find the best material to cover a newborn sheep to reduce the heat loss and keep it warm


The purpose of this experiment is to determine the best material to cover a new-born lamb.  Many different materials will be used and by the end of this experiment we shall have determined the best heat insulating material for this application.




Test tube rack


Measuring cylinder

Elastic bands

Test materials: Cotton wool

                         Bubble wrap


                         Paper towel



Previous experiment

I initially conducted this experiment but with only two of the materials so I have an idea of what will happen and the experiment can also help me plan for this one.  I covered two test tubes in 12cm by 12cm material (one in cotton wool, one in bubble wrap) and added 10ml of boiling water.  I waited until the temperature of the water reached 60° Celsius and then began reading the temperature for 10 minutes.  I then made a table of my results, which is shown below.

After completing this experiment I have decided to change a few things and add others to get a better and wider range of results.  I used a wider range of materials and tested them three times each for consistency as well as leaving them for 20 minutes instead of 10 minutes as it gave a better view of the speed of the heat loss.


In considering all of the properties of the five selected materials and my knowledge of them I expected them to perform in the following order with least heat lost first.

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Cotton wool - This is because it can be easily wrapped around the test tube and therefore cover most leaving fewer spaces for heat loss.  Cotton wool is also the thickest material that is being tested, so that will keep in heat more as there is a lot of material between test tube and air.  It also has a low density and traps air well like all good heat insulators such as duvets, loft insulating etc.  This material is the closest to the sheep’s natural coat.

Foil - The foil should insulate heat quite well because it is used in ...

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