Graham South


Electronics Coursework

Aim: For my project I plan to build a moisture detector which can be used too see if the ground on the cricket crease is too moist or dry. It will measure the level of water in the ground and show the moisture level by lighting a different LED. So if it was a hot day with less water in the ground the moisture detector will only light up a green LED, then as the water in the ground increased another LED will light. Yellow for when the moisture level is in the middle of the scale and red for when the ground is too moist and so unsuitable to play any cricket.

The first sub-system to consider is the input. I will put two contacts in my circuit so the processor can compare the resistance of the water. The second is an Op-Amp so as the resistance of the water increases the Op-Amp will change its output. The third sub-system is the output; I will use a chip that will turn on a specific LED depending on the voltage going into it. But this chip only allows one LED to be on at one time; this will reduce the amps used and make the circuit last longer on a single battery supply.

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The circuit can be split into separate blocks, like the Op-Amp. I have done preliminary investigations on these other blocks. Firstly I have done an experiment with LED’s. Through this I learnt that an LED requires 1.8volts too work, but in most circuits 2V are used too ensure that the LED is bright and any more than 5V would damage the LED.

The diagram above is my preliminary investigation using LED’s, by changing the 5K potentiometer the light ...

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