Nutrients and a Healthy Diet Dietary Intake

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Gary Boswell 1C

Nutrients and a Healthy Diet Dietary Intake

The body requires energy for every physical activity.  The amount depends on the duration and type of activity. Energy is measured in kcal and is obtained from the body stores or the food we eat. Glycogen is the main source of fuel used by the muscles to enable you to undertake both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. If you train with low glycogen stores you will feel constantly tired, training performance will be lower and you will be more prone to injury and illness.

A calorie (cal) is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1°C from 14° to 15°C. A kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1000g of water 1°C.

Nutrient Balance

Carefully planned nutrition must provide an energy balance and a nutrient balance. The nutrients are:

  • Proteins - essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues
  • Fats - one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins
  • Carbohydrates - our main source of energy
  • Minerals - those inorganic elements occurring in the body and which are critical to its normal functions
  • Vitamins - water and fat soluble  play important roles in many chemical processes in the body
  • Water - essential to normal body function - as a vehicle for carrying other nutrients and because 60% of the human body is water
  • Roughage - the fibrous indigestible portion of our diet essential to health of the digestive system

What are the daily energy requirements ?

Personal energy requirement=basic energy requirements + extra energy requirements

Basic energy requirements (BER)

  • For every Kg of body weight 1.3 kcal is required every hour. (An athlete weighing 50Kg would require 1.3 × 24hrs × 50Kg=1560 kcal/day)

Extra energy requirements (EER)

  • For each hours training you require an additional 8.5 kcal for each Kg of body weight. (For a two hour training session our 50Kg athlete would require 8.5 × 2hrs × 50Kg=850 kcal)

An athlete weighing 50Kg who trains for two hours would require an intake of approx. 2410 kcal (BER+EER=1560 + 850)

Energy Fuel

Like fuel for a car the energy we need has to be blended. The blend that we require is as follows:

  • 57% Carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, bread, cakes)
  • 30% Fats (dairy products, oil)
  • 13% Protein (eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish)

The energy yield per gram is as follows : Carbohydrate - 4 kcal, Fats - 9 kcal and Protein - 4 kcal. (Note: 1 calorie=1 Kcal)

What does a 50 kg athlete require in terms of carbohydrates, fats and protein ?

  • Carbohydrates - 57% of 2410=1374 kcal - at 4 kcal per gram=1374 ÷ 4=343 grams
  • Fats - 30% of 2410=723 kcal - at 9 kcal per gram=723 ÷ 9=80 grams
  • Protein - 13% of 2410=313 kcal - at 4 kcal per gram=313 ÷ 4=78 grams

Our 50kg athlete requires: 343 grams of Carbohydrates, 80 grams of Fat and 78 grams of Protein

What types of fat are there ?

The nature of the fat depends on the type of fatty acids which make up the triglycerides. All fats contain both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids but are usually described as 'saturated' or 'unsaturated' according to the proportion of fatty acids present. As a rough guide saturated fats are generally solid at room temperature and tend to be animal fats. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and are usually vegetable fats - there are exceptions e.g. palm oil, a vegetable oil which contains a high percentage of saturated fatty acids.

What types of carbohydrates are there ?

There are two types of carbohydrates - starchy (complex) carbohydrates and simple sugars. The simple sugar's are found in confectionery, muesli bars, cakes and biscuits, cereals, puddings, soft drinks and juices and jam and honey but these food stuffs also contain fat. Starchy carbohydrates are found in potatoes, rice, bread, wholegrain cereals, semi skimmed milk, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, beans and pulses. Both types effectively replace muscle glycogen. The starchy carbohydrates are the ones that have all the vitamins and minerals in them as well as protein. They are also low in fat as long as you do not slap on loads of butter and fatty sauces. The starchy foods are much more bulky so there can be a problem in actually eating that amount of food so supplementing with simple sugar alternatives is necessary.

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Your digestive system converts the carbohydrates in food into glucose, a form of sugar carried in the blood and transported to cells for energy. The glucose, in turn, is broken down into carbon dioxide and water. Any glucose not used by the cells is converted into glycogen - another form of carbohydrate that is stored in the muscles and liver. However, the body's glycogen capacity is limited to about 350 grams; once this maximum has been reached, any excess glucose is quickly converted into fat. Base your main meal with the bulk on the your plate filled with carbohydrates and ...

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