To see which vegetables has the better effect in the sauce and which has the best colour.

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To see which vegetables has the better effect in the sauce and which has the best colour. The colour affects the dish because it helps tempt the consumer to buy the product, i.e. rosy red apples are visually appetising, so therefore they entice the consumer to buy the product. I will make 3 dishes using the same ingredients apart from the vegetables. I will make it in a controlled kitchen. Then I will get 3 people to judge it on colour and taste. Then I will give them a score out of 5 for their healthiness according to the information I collect. To test the vegetables colour and which vegetables accompanies the dish the best I will ask 3 tasters to taste each one and to give each one a score out of five. Also I will give them random numbers so that they are not influenced by anything. The vegetables that I will use are:

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  • Dish 937~ Sweet corn, peas and broccoli.
  • Dish 756~ Onion, cauliflower and asparagus.
  • Dish 309~ Green beans, mushrooms


I will keep all of the ingredients the same so that it is a fair test but I will change the vegetables. The ingredients are: 250g of pasta shells, pinch of black pepper, 1tsp of English mustard, 175g of Italian Bacon (pancetta), 25g of flour, 25g of low fat butter, 125g of Edam cheese, and 300ml of skimmed milk. I will use 60g of each vegetable so that there is not more of one vegetable than the other.


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