Using a Rotary Potentiometer to Detect the Position of a Robotic Arm

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Using a Rotary Potentiometer to Detect the Position of a Robotic Arm


        A rotary variable resistor would be set up as shown mechanically and electronically:

Various different fixed resistors would be tried, with several readings taken for each. I suggest 9 readings should be taken, every twenty degrees starting at 20 for each resistor. That way, a full range of angles can be tried along the whole movement of the arm. Once the results have been obtained, then graphs can be plotted to calibrate the sensor, and from these graphs the most suitable resistor can be chosen for the sensor involved. Initial experiments show that all readings will be in the range of 0 to 5 volts.


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I took three sets of results. They were all exceptionally similar. As such, they have been compiled into one single table, which is the average of the three results for each resistor at each value. As the results were so similar, I did not deem it necessary to display each and every reading in this report. Please note that more than 9 readings were taken. This is because it did not seem that a full set was taken after 180 degrees, so I changed my plan accordingly, to allow readings over the entire range of the sensor (300 degrees).


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