Using seasonal fruit and vegetables plan and make one sweet dish and one savoury dish to encourage greater use of fruit and vegetables in the diet.

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Using seasonal fruit and vegetables plan and make one sweet dish and one savoury dish to encourage greater use of fruit and vegetables in the diet.


Why are fruit and vegetables important in our diet?

Eating more fruit and vegetables will give you big health benefits. Not only for their contribution to your needs for fibre, vitamins and minerals, but in helping to prevent heart disease and cancer. According to

The healthy eating guidelines you should be eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetable.

The National Advisory Committee on Nutritional Education (NACNE Report, 1983) and the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA Report, 1991) identified the changes required in the nutritional balance of the UK diet. These changes included reducing the amount of fat we eat, especially saturated fat, reducing the amount of sugar and salt in our diet, eating more fibre and increasing our consumption of fruit and vegetables.


Vitamins are found in the foods we eat, and a healthy diet should provide as much as the body needs.

Vitamins are molecules that the body needs in small amounts to keep healthy, but cannot make for it self. Here is the list of all the vitamins:

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Anti- oxidant

An antioxidant is a chemical that prevents the  of other chemicals. In biological systems, the normal processes of oxidation produce highly reactive . These can react with and damage other molecules: in some cases the body uses this to fight infection. In other cases, the damage may continue to the body's own cells. The presence of extremely easily oxidisable compounds in the system can "mop up" free radicals before they damage other essential molecules. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, C, selenium, and beta-carotene, are organic substances and minerals that are thought to help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke. ...

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