Blue Remembered Hills Synopsis

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Blue Remembered Hills Synopsis

Scene 1 – Willie and Peter are introduced, setting the time the play is set and the age of the characters. They’re talking about fighting and parachutes, which suggests it is during World War 2.

Scene 2 – They talk about the other characters, giving us a deeper insight about what they’re like and what kind of stuff they do to keep themselves entertained.

Scene 3 – They discover and chase after the squirrel, expressing their childlikeness even more.

Scene 4 - They run into John and Raymond, and then start picking on him, showing that Raymond is a weak character, and that John, Peter and Willie have a higher status in the play.

Scene 5 – Angela, Audrey and Donald (Duck) are introduced, playing in a rundown barn. Their characters are portrayed in this scene, Angela as the most girlish character in the play, Audrey as a rather tomboyish person, and Donald as another weak character, as he gets picked on by the two girls.

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Scene 6 – The squirrel is killed, but as soon as they begin to show a sign of guilt, it shows that they have probably come to realise the seriousness of death, important during the time period which the play is set, but then they soon forget and continue to play around.

Scene 7 - is probably one of the scenes with the most emotion portrayed, showing Donald’s innocence and vulnerability. A chance to let you grow close to this certain character.

Scene 8 – This scene shows Audrey trying to impress Angela, and them talking about ...

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