Create an improvisation inspired by The Woman in Black.

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Holly O’Nione

GCSE Drama 1699 – Paper 1 Unit 2

Portfolio A01 = DEVELOPMENT

We were asked to create an improvisation inspired by “The Woman in Black”. The text we used was an extract from Susan Hill’s novel where Spider ran away across the marshes when he heard the mysterious whistle.

We came up with many ideas when discussing possible plotlines. We liked several of these, but we decided to drop them. For example: we had an idea where they were lost in a sea of people, and different voices and sounds (such as whistles) could be heard if you listened close enough, but if you listened to hard the ghosts of your past would trap you in their realm. However, we decided that although we liked this idea that it would require more of us to act it and the plot would be difficult to convey.

The final plot is a man walking a dog in a misty park, when the lead snaps he loses his dog in the dense mist. He calls for Spider, getting more and more agitated, then an eerie whistle taunts him and he runs around in desperate search where he bumps into figures representing his friends, they don’t recognise him, but they make him recollect (by cross cutting) the last time he had seen them before. These happy memories contrast with the bad news the whistler brings. The whistler is a dead plane driver that informs him he had just killed his fiancée, best friend and boss in a plane crash. Then he finally realises that he has just seen ghosts all around him.

Ben played the man with his dog. He was middle aged and was in a healthy relationship with his fiancé. He dresses normally, and moves steadily more agitatedly and jumpily throughout the play. He was a happy man who had just experienced life changing events that had made him extremely happy. The characteristic that marks him out is that he cares for three people more than anything in the world, and when he loses Spider in the misty park it symbolises him losing himself.

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Ash played his fiancée. She was very loud and bubbly, and her permanent grin and large gestures showed this very well. She had no peculiar characteristics, but she moved in a way which showed that she really loved her fiancé. As they were in a fancy restaurant she would have been wearing a simple, but pretty dress.

Josh played a football star that had made it in America and who had just featured on a TV programme over there. He wore a designer tracksuit as he was sporty and doing well. He also interestingly had a spring in ...

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