Drama Response Piece

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Thought Tracking

Thought tracking is when other people speak aloud the thoughts of a character/role and show the different opinions and choices that character has to make.

Sophie and I did thought tracking for the role of Moth and Maudie, I was Moth and she was Maudie. I had to choose the most significant part of the script and stop when I got there to do a monologue of the characters thoughts. The most important point in the play for Moth is when Maudie says ‘I hold all the cards’ because he is thinking that she needs him more than he needs her because he can find any old broad with more money and I had to portray this in the monologue. Sophie and I both chose the same point in which we should stop instead of doing monologues at different times in the script. This is because that moment was important for both of the characters; for Maudie it was important because she was finally giving Moth a sort of unsaid ultimatum and telling him that she’s the one whose in control of their relationship; for Moth it is important because he realizes that she finally standing up to him but he knows that he can secretly gain control and win her over again by making her jealous or proposing.

I think thought tracking is helpful because you can make up the choice and decision for the character because you don’t have to go all the way to the end of the script and find out what they actually decide. The thought tracking scene was fun to do because you can see other peoples points of view about what Moth and Maudie should do, it’s the same with conscience alley.  

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Thought tracking is good because we got to interact with the class/audience and you get to stay in role, but put in your own personal opinions of what the character should do.

Collective Voice 

Collective Voice is when two or more people become a collective body or voice and say what the character is feeling and the pros and cons of a situation that they are in.

Jordan, Sam, Sophie and I did collective voice together because we needed there to be a positive voice (Sam), a negative voice (Me), and a neutral voice (Jordan) and Sophie was ...

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