Investigating into reflexes & senses

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Investigating reflexes & senses

Aim: - To find out how our reflexes change as different senses are used.

Prediction: - I predict that our reflexes will be the strongest when we are using the sense of sight.

Fair test: - I will make sure that it is a fair test by ensuring that...

> The metre ruler we use stays the same at all times
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> The experiment is done in the same place always

> The ruler is always dropped at the same height

> The ruler is dropped at the same speed

Method: - First we would get our apparatus and set up our experiment. Then, one person would drop the ruler through one of the hands of the other persona and record how high the person's hand was on the ruler. The lower measurement, the quicker the reflexes. We would repeat this with sight, sound and touch. When we were doing sound, the person catching the ruler ...

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