Post-Fordism is the appearance of new sharp of organization of production, tendency of consumption and modal of regulation. It is a movement beyond the Fordism.

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Post-Fordism is the appearance of new sharp of organization of production, tendency of consumption and modal of regulation. It is a movement beyond the Fordism. First of all, the way of organization of production is changing from Fordism to post-fordims. Fordism  refers to a manufacturing system with mass production and mass consumption of standard of goods. In Fordism era, capitalists tend to generate huge factories, hire enormous amount of unskilled workers who do the single specific task and stock very lager number of inventory. By doing this, forms would achieve
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economic scale of production, in tern gain the advantage in terms cost of producing goods. Post-Fordism adopts more flexible m9nufacturing system. The flexible system emphasizes more on the quality of production rather than the quantity. It shifts the ability of system from economies of scale to economies of scope. Robin Murry highlights a series of production changes ‘’across there have been change in product life and product innovation, with shorter, flexible runs and a wider wide range of product on offer; changes in stock control, with just-in-time methods removing the need to hold large amounts of costly stock; and changes ...

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