Rebecca - "Scene where rebbeca confronts Mrs Danvers"

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"Scene where rebbeca confronts Mrs Danvers"

As I begin my essay I will firstly focus on how we get to a scene in the movie Rebecca. The movie begins with a young girl marrying a man called, Maximillian de Winter. They go to his house and the girl hears about the lifestyle of the house. She then persuades max to hold a party. Mrs Danvers the housekeeper encourages the girl to be dressed in an outfit of Max’s ancestors. The girl presents herself to max and he is furious at her. She runs upstairs weeping and discovers Rebecca wore the dress at a previous ball.

The scene opens with a medium shot of the girl and she is looking at the picture of Rebecca wearing the identical costume. She is in confusion to why Mrs Danvers hates her. The camera shot then changes to a long shot of Mrs Danvers walking into Rebecca’s bedroom. Mrs Danvers doesn’t look at the girl but from her body language she makes the girl want to follow her into the room. Mrs Danvers figure shows up a really well in this shot because she is in a dress and the walls outside the room are white.

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Hitchcock uses has a close up shot of the girl and this helps us see the girl’s emotions clearly. The girl wants to confront Mrs Danvers to reveal why Danvers is teasing her. Eerie music makes it breathtaking. The girl then walks in the direction of Rebecca’s bedroom and her hat falls off while travelling up the set of steps. This may have been chosen by Hitchcock, because he wanted a stimulating scene when she confronts Mrs Danvers, and if she was wearing a hat it would look silly. Also there wouldn’t be good enough close ups of the ...

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