Shakesphere and The Renaissance

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  • William Shakespeare 

In 1564, the world gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, one of the most brilliant talents we have ever experienced. This newborn would bring us tears and laughs, blood and death, even suicide and incest. William Shakespeare was that bouncing baby boy, and did he give us so much to write about.  The quote above, from Mr. Shakespeare, best explains the reason for this paper. It is about self discovery and wanting to learn more. Not just from a textbook, but from ourselves. Relating to material from the student’s point of view is most important. Anybody can re-write the history of a person, but examining their true inner self is what makes Historical Character’s so fascinating.

        William Shakespeare’s early life is a mystery. Books and articles publicly state “Nothing definite is known about his boyhood. From the content of his plays, he must have learned early about the people he later portrayed with such good humor. As good writers do, he must have collected information both from books and from daily observation of the world around him.” ( Just a small amount of information has been found by historians of many sources.

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Mr. Shakespeare attended Stratford Grammar School on a scholarship due to his father’s influence. William was taught a standard Elizabethan program of study with a priority on Greek and Latin literature (including the playwrights Plautus and Seneca, and the passionate poet Ovid), expression (from ancient Roman speaker Cicero), and Christian ethics (a large knowledge of the Holy Bible). These influences are all-encompassing in Shakespeare's works, and it is also clear that Shakespeare refined knowledge of English history through archives written shortly before and during his youth. Shakespeare left school in 1579 at fifteen; no explanation is truly known ( Shakespeare ...

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