The appalling memory covered up - by the Vivacious Smile

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The Appalling Memory Covered up By the Vivacious Smile

(Based on a true story)

        The refreshing breeze slowly evaporated the tiny droplets of sweat that were running down the side of my face, captured by the camera that held a thousand memories.  “Hey Samson, do you want me to take another picture?” my energetic friend queried.  “No it’s okay, we still have five days left until the trip is over”, I responded in a hurry to catch up to the rest of my team of ten people.  Looking back at this picture unlocks many haunting and treasured memories that I’ll always keep with me until the end of time.  The person that stands beside me with the red bandana was Josh, the leader of the pack, and the person with the baseball cap on the far right was Tom, the infamous rebel that wants everything his way or the highway.  The picture was taken on the shorelines of Lake Superior in mid August of 2002.  The story begins at the start of our sixty-kilometer hike. The drizzling rain in the morning, sliding off our bright yellow rain jackets that could be seen from miles away.  

The atmosphere of our beloved campsite was filled with an enormous amount of energy that would soon overcome the gloomy surroundings that we would soon depart.  Before we left our campsite, Liz, one of our instructors, prompted us to drink gallons of water until our stomach could not take one more droplet.  I was too busy chatting with Josh and Tom that I missed the most essential tip that could change my enjoyable, fun and exciting trip to a trip full of excruciating pain of hell which was in the brink of occurrence.  The scorching sun came out from under the gloomy clouds, which forced my fatigued team to take a short break.  The location that happened to be our break point was the indication of the halfway point to our campsite, which was still damp from the drizzling rain.  Finding a first nice spot to sit and relax before my friends was a challenge, but once I found my desired spot, I quickly dashed for it with the last ounce of strength I had.  Right at that instant, before I was able to sit down in my anticipated spot, I felt my muscles right above my kneecap contract so severely that it felt as if someone was to burn a piece of plastic under a scorching fire.

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Knowing that my team still had enough determination to move a mountain, I quickly stretched my cramp out so that I wouldn’t slow my team down.  The cramps jumped to a new level of pain.  The pain was much greater than the previous especially after the first kilometer of the short break.  I started to walk much more slowly until I met Liz at the end of our team line.  Then, I started to feel my knees shaking uncontrollably which was a result of not treating the cramp properly. I knew I was challenging my mental and physical limits. ...

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