‘We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.’ What is Priestly’s main aim in An Inspector Calls? Is he successful in so doing?

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'We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.'

What is Priestly's main aim in

An Inspector Calls? Is he successful in so doing?

J.B. Priestly was a writer born 13th September 1894 and died in 1984 aged 89. Throughout his life he wrote an abundance of novels and plays, which were admired by many. From a young age, Priestley wanted to write. He left school at 16 instead of going on to university, he thought that out of the confines of the classroom would come his inspiration to write.

His father mixed with socialist friends and from an early start he was exposed to many political conversations. These usually turned into heated arguments, in which he joined and expressed his opinion. In his autobiography he said;

' I was politically-minded to some extent but never able to put politics first'.

By this Priestly probably meant that even though he had a love for politics he wasn't as passionate about it as writing.

At the beginning of his career, his works did not seem to reflect politics, but after a few years politics crept back in, such as in An Inspector Calls.

At a first quick glance the story of the play looks like a typical murder mystery of coincidence and deception; An affluent industrialist, Arthur Birling, lives at home with his wife and their two grown children Sheila and Eric. Sheila is engaged to Gerald Croft, son of Lady Croft. The opening scene begins with a family celebration to congratulate Sheila and Gerald's engagement. An inspector arrives telling them that a girl has just died in the infirmary from suicide. He then goes on with his enquiry and manages to get a confession out all of them into how they were all involved in the girl's death - her suicide. The inspector leaves and they are left shocked. Soon they question the inspector and ring the infirmary to see if it is true about the girl dying. The infirmary says that no girl has been brought in. The
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family is relieved. The phone rings again. A girl has just been found. She had committed suicide.

The story line alone keeps the audience captivated, but Priestly was much cleverer than that. He encompassed his personal views on the society of the time and by doing so, he drew attention to its own selfish and narrow - minded ways. Ironically, Birling says:

'I say there isn't a chance of war...' and 'the Titanic ... every luxury and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable.'

Priestley believed that all human beings should be responsible for one another. The Birlings ...

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