A comparative study of jack in ‘Lord of the Flies’ and Heathcliff in ‘Wuthering Heights’ and the conflict they represent between ‘civilised’ and ‘savage’ behaviour.

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A comparative study of jack in ‘Lord of the Flies’ and Heathcliff in ‘Wuthering Heights’ and the conflict they represent between ‘civilised’ and ‘savage’ behaviour.

     In this essay I will be focusing on the two different novels, ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding and ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Brönte. I will concentrate on Jack in ‘Lord of the Flies’ and his constant conflict over leadership on the island, and Heathcliff in ‘Wuthering Heights’ and his conflict with Edgar Linton regarding Catherine Earnshaw. I will show how the two authors use different procedures to express the emotional and behavioural differences between savage and civilised behaviour.

     The two novels are very different in the way in which narration, viewpoint, language and the detail of the description is used. Much of ‘Wuthering Heights’ is a long flash back told by Nellie Dean, the former housekeeper to Mr Lockwood a tenant at Thrushcross grange. The text is extremely descriptive but also consists of Nellie Dean’s opinions and memories along with a few extracts form Catherine Earnshaw’s diary. The novel contains more traditional language ‘They both promised… to grow up rude as savages, the young master being entirely negligent how they behaved and what they did so they kept clear of him.’ Throughout the novel there is little speech used. When speech is used it consists of a variety of dialects, Standard English is used in conversations/comments by most of the characters. With Joseph being the acception and speaking Scottish, ‘Maister, coom Hither! Miss Cathy’s riven Th’ back off Th’ Helmeth uh Salvation un’ Heathcliff’s pawsed his fit intuh t’ first part uh T’ Broadway to destruction!’ This adds a bit of variety to the novel as it shows how different people from different parts of the country react to events.

     ‘Lord of the Flies’ uses more modern English ‘Piggy said nothing but nodded, solemnly. They continued to sit, gazing with impaired sight at the chief’s seat and the glittering lagoon.’ The story is narrated using an omniscient narrator, meaning we can see into the characters minds and so giving us a more detailed read. The characters are described more in depth and the surroundings i.e. the island. More adjectives are used in the description and this gives the reader more of a feeling of being there. The island is almost seen as a character rather than just a setting because of the amount of description used; ‘the sandy edge of the pool loomed up like a hillside. The water was warmer than his blood.’

     Heathcliff is one of the main characters in ‘Wuthering Heights.’ On his arrival all apart from Mr Earnshaw, who had brought him back home with him, instantly disliked him. Cathy and Hindley refused for him to sleep in their room and when they learned that their presents, which their father had brought back for them, were broken and lost Cathy responded by ‘Grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing.’ Mrs Earnshaw wasn’t impressed either and scolded her husband and enquired ‘How he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house and if he were mad?’

     When he was first shown to the household he was described as ‘dirty, ragged and had black hair, he was big enough to both walk and talk.’ When he spoke for the first time he ‘repeated over and over some gibberish that nobody could understand.’ All this suggests that maybe he was from a foreign land. Nobody knows his origin as he was picked from the streets but his description suggests he is foreign; ‘you’re a prince in disguise. Who knows but your father was emperor of China and your mother an Indian Queen.’ This is a comment made by Nellie Dean later in the story.

     However a few days after his arrival Heathcliff and Cathy become ‘very thick’ and eventually Nellie Dean warmed to him. Hatred between Hindley and Heathcliff remained, this was mainly due to Hindley’s jealousness of the way in which his father treated Heathcliff i.e. much better than how Hindley was treated.

     Jack is one of the main characters in ‘Lord of the Flies.’  His background is unknown but is most probably similar to the other boys from the island, meaning he lived with his parents, he may have been sent away to school. First impressions of Jack were that ‘He was tall, thin and bony: and his hair was red beneath the black gap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of his face stared two light blue eyes’ he was bossy and in charge of the choir ‘He shouted at them “choir! Stand still.”’ He makes himself appear confident; ‘Merridew turned to Ralph, “Aren’t there any grown-ups?”

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Merridew sat down on a trunk and looked round the circle. “Then we’ll have to look after ourselves.”’’ Jack also proved himself to be arrogant by responding ‘I ought to be chief’ when a decision was made that a chief was required to decide things. Instantly he and Ralph didn’t get on, this was mainly jealousy on Jack’s behalf as Ralph was chosen as chief.

     Those surrounding them almost immediately dislike both Heathcliff and Jack. They also both gain an enemy, which they have, constant conflicts with throughout the novel. This being Jack and ...

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