A Comparison of Four Poems that show violence

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A Comparison of four poems that all show violence: Hitcher by Simon Armitage, Education for Leisure by Carol Ann Duffy, The Laboratory and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning.

The above four poems all represent violence in some way or another. In this essay I will compare and contrast the ways violence is shown and what this adds to the poem.

Firstly, violence has to have a motivation behind it and all four of these poem’s narrators have similar motivations to commit acts of said violence. All their motivations link back to them feeling ignored and jealous of other people and the outside world. In Education for Leisure, this is shown obviously by the line, ‘had enough of being ignored’. In My last Duchess and The Laboratory the ignored vibe is passed out through the lines, ‘ranked my gift of a nine-hundred year old name with anybody’s gift’ and ‘laugh, laugh at me’ respectively. In Hitcher however, it is not so obvious from a single line. The whole of stanzas two and three are all about how the narrator is jealous of the hitcher’s freedom needing ‘just a toothbrush’ and nothing else.

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        The actual event of murder or violence is very cleverly concealed in My last Duchess and The Laboratory. This down through the lyrical qualities the poems have for their rhyme schemes. In Laboratory, the rhyme scheme is a set AABB scheme which makes the poem seem like a song; almost distracting the reader from the horrible act she is about to commit. In Duchess the Duke’s rhyme scheme is also AABB but through great use of enjambment the rhymes are weaved into the middle of sentences; still giving that lyrical quality but not as obviously as in The Laboratory.


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