A Comparison of two Fanthorpe Poems

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A Comparison of two Fanthorpe Poems

        'Old Man' and 'Half Past Two' are about two poems on each end of the age spectrum.  'Old Man' is about a man's brief life story.  It tells us about a man in his earlier years that had power and authority but now he is old and helpless.  'Half Past Two' is about a young child who has been forgotten about in a classroom.  It shows us a child's concept of time, which is very different from an adult.

        The main contrast between the two poems is that 'Half Past Two' describes only a part of a day of the boy's life whereas in 'Old Man' it tells his life story.  However the poem are of the same length.  This shows the importance of this boy's new experience.  I think the poem is long because the boy has not experienced being left alone before.  This is because the child talks about, "gettinguptime, timeyouwereofftime, timetogohomenowtime, tvtime."  These phrases lead you to think that the boy has a scheduled life where he is not left alone.  As a young boy he has a settled and secure life where he desperately depends on his parents.  This helplessness in life and schedule is shown in the poem 'Old Man'.  The old man used to have a schedule because the narrator says, "your timetabled cigarette."  The old man has become helpless because of his age.  However he does not want to accept anyone's help.  It says in the poem, "I love your helplessness, you who hate being helpless."  The impression I get after analysing the poem is that the narrator is related to the old man.  It is likely that the narrator is the old man's daughter because it says in the poem, "not good with daughters."  Then later in the poem the narrator wants to help and acquaint herself with her father because she repeats saying "let me."  I think that she is trying to help her father back into normal life because she says that he has a "contracted world."  She then wants to walk with him because she asks him, "Let me walk with you to Drury Lane."  This shows she is trying to help him to do normal activities.  The daughter is trying to slot her father back into normal life.  This is just like in 'Half Past Two' where the teacher comes into the classroom and says, "Run along or you'll be late."  Then after this the narrator says, "So she slotted him back into schooltime."  

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        I think the boy in 'Half Past Two' has a sheltered life because he has a set time.  For example, "TVtime, timeformykisstime…schooltime."  This shows that the boy does not know the real times because he does not know the real world.  When the boy is left alone in the classroom the narrator says, "the silent noise his hangnail made."  I think this is exaggeration for effect to show that the boy has never been left alone and as this is a new experience he does not know what to do with his spare time.  These two points are also shown ...

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