A Comparison of Two Versions of the Romeo and Juliet Ball Scene

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A Comparison of Two Versions of the Romeo and Juliet Ball Scene

When viewing both versions of the ball scene I tried to remain impartial throughout despite having watched one of them previously. They are both equally good adaptations in their own right full of attributes, which help make them good viewing.

The obvious difference between the two is the period they were set in. One adaptation is very true to the original text and keeps to the original era it was set in. The other updates the story to a modern period that had clear repercussions on the scene.

The script for both the modern and old versions stayed mostly true to the original text with a few variations. In the contemporary version the character Mercutio was strengthened relative to the text, so this came through in this scene especially. However in the old acclimatisation the text remained true with only a few minor changes as to which character said a particular line.
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The soundtrack was extremely different for both; this is something, which I think clearly contributed to the difference in atmosphere. However the tempo of the choice of songs for both adaptations are very similar. The historic interpretation had old music with a folk theme that was fast moving throughout. This helped keep the tempo going and the scene was extremely quick moving. When Romeo and Juliet finally meet there is a young man that sung a slow song.

The modern version is clearly had a better variety to choose from. The first song that is played ...

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