A Doll House Essay

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A Doll House Essay

Ibsen said that his mission in life was to “Inspire individuals to freedom and independence” which was shown throughout the play A Doll House.  Since he wrote modern theatre, the characters were real and audiences could relate to them.  He particularly questioned the role of men and women during his time.  Ibsen used A Doll House to motivate women so they would seek more power and freedom in their relationships.  Audiences could then look up to characters such as Nora and Mrs Linde whom were independent, some what ahead of their times.  Ibsen’s purpose was to not only to enlighten women of their unfair status but also to make the men understand women are much smarter than what they think.  His goal was to change these attitudes of all humans so equality could be reached.

By 1878-79, when A Doll House was written, women’s rights had become a burning issue. People such as John Stuart Mill who wrote The Subjection of Women (1869) were one of the first to raise these issues and could be seen as an early feminist.  They raised question as to whether the female role was fair.  Before then, women were very submissive and had little opportunities.  They were unable to have a job and were expected to do household duties and take care of the children.  Men were the dominant ones but the women knew no different.  For the few who could see this inequality, they were seen as ‘unfeminine’ as they were thinking for themselves, which is something only a man would do.  Ibsen would be on their sides and tried to express that it was all right, through his characters.  Nora plays upon her innocence and helplessness at the beginning to achieve things, being the typical stereotype of women in this time.  “Oh, please, Torvald darling, do that! I beg of you, please…”(p45)  Nora gets the money by begging for it instead of discussing it with her husband which would occur in modern times.  She knows her role and that the men had total control of money.  Her character changes at the end when she realises she can no longer use her femininity to get out of trouble.  Her stronger side comes out where she breaks out of the typical feminine role.  

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The Subjection of Women by Mill went by similar morals that Ibsen wanted to spread.  It states that women should be able to vote and should be equal in marriage.  Both these men wanted to change women’s naturalization of typical household duties.  Mills stated that people naturalized things to make them feel better, knowing it is unjust, including issues of slavery.  “Men do not want solely the obedience of women, they want their sentiments.”  Ibsen showed that this wasn’t always the case, as although Nora was obedient, she wanted something different.  Many women would have been in this situation ...

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