A Journey Into The Unknown

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As we fell through what we felt was a bottomless hole and tunnel which was all bright and coloured in phosphorescent. We attempted to scream but no sound would escape. I thought that we had fallen into black hole, but just as that thought had become to cross my mind we crashed out of the tunnel with a loud THUMP!! We all recovered from the fall almost instantly, we stood up and began to look around and tried to take in our surroundings. We also started to consider what had happened to us. As we looked we realised that the place looked familiar but looked like nothing we had seem before at the same time but we could not say where we were and what we were doing here!! But one thing we did know was that it was not Earth, even though that there were buildings and people like on Earth there was one big major difference and that was that the sky was purple and that the sun and the moon was in the sky at the same time. My personal philosophy in life is that everything happens for a reason but in this situation I did not know what the reason was but little did I know at the time I was about to find out very shortly.

At that precise moment we looked up after hearing a loud BANG! And the sun had disappeared. We had all naturally assumed that this was quite normal on this strange but familiar planet but we realised instantly that that was not the case as people had stared to scream and run about like headless chickens. But me being me I took control of the group and put myself as leader and I said in my loud and dominative voice:

“Guys look we have to accept the fact we are not on Earth anymore and this planet has just lost its sun what do u want to do run about like headless chickens or do you want to go and investigate and do something about it?”

This was answered with a loud cheer of yeses and general agreement to go and investigate.  

As we were about to split about and to go and explore we were approached by a young boy who I would say was no older than 10 years old. And he seemed calm and did not seem as frantic as everyone around him which made me suspect he knew something the rest of us did not know. And he said in a bold voice:

“You came out of the time vortex? Yes?”

We being very confused said: “Yes?”

“Good I’ve been waiting for you.” Replied he.

“First of all who are you? And how did you know we would be coming? And why have you been waiting for us?” I asked him.

“Oh sorry how rude of me my name is Martin. And it was prophesied in the ancient text that five teenagers would come from another world to save us the day the sun disappeared. But there is no time to stand around here and chat we have got to get going.”

“What do you mean we have got to save this world? How are we special? What can we do? And why do we have to go anywhere?”

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“Well no time to talk now, I will be more than happy to answer when we are in a safer place will you come with me?” Asked Martin

Even thought we did not know him and even though we did not trust him we got in a group huddle and we discussed the pros and cons with going with him.   We decided to go with him as we were going to help the people of this planet and because he seemed to know about us.

He escorted the five of us to a hi tech looking house where ...

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