A Modern Red Riding Hood Play.

Authors Avatar by tamizh (student)

Red ridding hood

Scene 1:

In the woods

Red riding hood isgathering firewood. When she sees movement behind the trees and leaves rustling she begins to run. She looks back to see ninjas chasing her, at that time she trips on stone and becomes unconscious. When she wakes up she finds the ninjas dead all around her and finds a red piece of cloth lying on the ground, she picks it up and runs away into the woods.

Scene 2:

Red (panting) enters the cottage

Mother: omg red where have you been???.why are you so late.. I was so worried about you. Why do you do this to your poor old mother? dont you ever think of……

Red: mom…I…I was picking……berries….ninjas....and the stone tripped me …..andand…

Mom: calm down red. stop being hysterical and take a deep breath and tell me from the beginning.

Red: I know it sounds crazy mom but I was chased by ninjas or assassins of some sort…maybe ninja assassins…

Mom: omgred please tell me you didn’t go to the forbidden part of the forest

Red:i..dont know …I think so…mom I’m sorry. Have I done something wrong?

Mom:no…its fine

Red:then I tripped and woke up to find them unconscious around me

Mom(worried): don’t worry red….I always knew this day would come for the past few years but not this soon. I’ve got to make preparations. Stay in your room red and don’t ever leave the house.

Red:I’m sorry mom…

Mom: go to your room red.

Scene 3:

In the court of the wolf king: The injured ninjas are kneeling in a line with their heads bowed.

King: you filthy pieces of meat couldn’t you people catch a little girl…is that asking too much from you fellows. Finally I found her after so many years and what do you do lose her and come empty handed.

Leader of the ninjas: sir, we were attacked by the rebels in the forest. I think they are protecting the girl.

King: excuses, excuses that’s all I ever hear from you.(takes a gun from his pocket and shoots him) have you got any more bad news (waves the gun and laughs maniacally). If what he says is true all of you destroy the rebellion and leave the girl to me. What are you waiting for get out

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Ninjas exit and queen enters

Queen: darling what was that noise I heard? (looks at the body) ewwww Such a ghastly sight.

King:we have found that girl and I was so close to getting her but she is under the protection of the rebellion.

Queen: the rebels are always ruining your plans but it’s alright, she couldn’t have moved far from there.we can catch her soon. For now let’s celebrate maybewe’ll  throw a dinner party.

King: I don’t have time for that

Queen: you never have time for me. Why is this girl so important? She is no threat to ...

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