"A mysterious creature of unlimited cynicism" Explore the character of Iago in the light of this comment, focussing on his soliloquies and his treatment of the other characters.

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Written by Alex Mitcheson.

“ A mysterious creature of unlimited cynicism” Explore the character of Iago in the light of this comment, focussing on his soliloquies and his treatment of the other characters.

” But it was no sign of stupidity in Othello. For his opinion of Iago was the opinion of practically everyone who knew him: and that opinion was that Iago was before all things "honest".”        A C Bradley

Iago’s perceived honesty is his great and enabling ability, which allows him to manipulate and cause events without the other characters realizing. I agree to some extent with Bradley on this point, and there is sufficent evidence to point this out. Furthermore it is not just Othello that instates trust upon him but it is the majority of the other characters too. Roderigo is a perfect example, his stupidity ultimately allows himself to consider Iago trustworthy, the measure of his stupidity is based upon the fact Iago is conning him out of money telling him it is being used to help him win Desdemona



“Now I repeat that any man situated as Othello was would have been disturbed by Iago's communications” BRADLEY

Yet Bradley believes that anyone would have been capable to trust and fall victim to Iago’s plans. I find it hard to agree with such a statement. As already stated Roderigo is used yet trusts Iago and we can understand this because to some extent he is claimed to be stupid. For Bradley to point out that Othello is merely tricked, as anyone else would have been is purely contradictory to the last of his quotes.

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Othello's mind, for all its poetry, is very simple. He is not observant”   BRADLEY

 It is this alone that allows him the leeway in which he can organize and carry out the acts of villainy that strife this play. The character undoubtedly commits a series of crimes against his fellow peers, some which lead to death. Although we are left uncertain as to why he may be trusted can we look at Iago and see him as a loveable ...

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