A Speech on Leadership

Authors Avatar by beesaybuzz1 (student)

What do you think leadership is? I believe that leadership or being a leader is not about being the best at something, or the one that is most popular, but I believe that a leader is someone who can motivate a group of people so they all could achieve a common goal.

Leadership may feel unimportant for most of you guys but I think it is important. Leaders show dedication, ambition, courage, honesty, confidence and compassion. We all need this in our daily life.

Dedication is always needed in everything you do. You have to do things whole heartedly for best results.

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Ambition is needed in life, because if you don’t aim high, you can’t achieve it. Leaders can share their goals and visions with the members clearly.

You always need courage to stand up for someone, to have the guts to say something,

Honesty is the key to every relations. Without honesty there would not be trust among everyone. And like what Mrs. Roy always says, honesty is the best policy. A leader must be honest to your followers and admit mistakes made.

Show confidence: don’t hesitate to speak your mind and express your thoughts, feelings and opinions ...

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