A study of prejudice in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.

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A Study of Prejudice in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

There are many different types of prejudice in Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. Social prejudice and prejudice against those who do not conform to normal society all play a part in the novel. The biggest prejudice in the novel, however, is racial prejudice. This is perhaps the basis of ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, and most of novel centres on this point.

Harper Lee’s inclusion of racial prejudice in the novel is not unexpected. Born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 she lived in state teemed with racism. Alabama was a state on the south side of the United States of America. During the American war of independence, the south side of the U.S. fought the north. The north believed that the black slave trade that existed at that time should be abolished, and that all the slaves should be emancipated. The south side, however, believed that the slave trade should be allowed to continue. The south dependent on the slave trade as it was the best form of cheap labour available. They needed the slaves to work in their tobacco fields, as this was the main source of revenue for the average family in the south side of the U.S.A

After the war of independence, which the eventually won, the slaves were given freedom. Most people, however, did not feel that the black slaves were equal to themselves. In the south particularly, people heavily discriminated against the blacks. The south side became totally segregated into a white and black community. Blacks were not permitted to use the same resources as the whites- the same schools, restaurants and even the same toilets.

As the segregation grew stronger so did the tension between the two sides. The Ku Klux Klan soon emerged. This was an organisation focussed on keeping the U.S.A. purely populated by white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs). They went around lynching and torturing blacks as well as looting and burning their houses. The Ku Klux Klan still dominate in the south today and segregation and still exist there- but not in the same proportion. This sort of prejudice, however, was rife in the days Harper Lee penned the novel ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’.

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Racial prejudice is the main type of prejudice found in the novel. It is really made most apparent during the trial of Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson is a black man who is accused of indecent assault on a white woman- a crime the author convinces us he did not commit. Harper Lee does this by portraying Tom as an honest and caring man who would not hurt anybody and by portraying Mr. Ewell, the prosecutor, as an evil and spiteful person. However, because of the racial prejudice in Alabama, Tom is found guilty and sentenced to life.

Harper Lee portrays ...

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