A View from the Bridge

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View from the Bridge- Manliness, Hostility and Aggression in the play

Question 1

Obsession, hostility and betrayal are some of themes brought upon the play A view from the bridge. A view from the bridge was written by Author Miller in 1955, the play was Set in the docklands of New York, which was densely populated. Most of the people who lived in the docklands of New York were recent immigrants, working for lower than minimum wage, they were in hope of work, wealth and security that their country of origins could not assure them, So they came in search of the ‘American Dream’ where the bosses used and abused them but they compromised between the economic status of their homeland and the U.S.A. The play has many meanings indwelled and underlying meanings in it. A view from the bridge resembles Greek drama. Eddie is a tragic hero; a tragic hero is someone who is not a bad character or greatly righteous who therefore suffers the coincidence of his own actions.

  Eddie is a good father figure, husband, provider who is driven to fury by an obsessive, incestuous jealousy he can’t control.

Eddie the core character in the view from the bride has a strong view on what is considered to be a `man`, to which other characters do not conform to this idea, which results in hostility and aggression towards them, For example Rodolpho who fails in all departments of manliness in Eddie’s opinion, and also Marco who is exactly what Eddie thinks a man should be however this creates a conflict between them when Marco shows his masculinity and family honour,  in the end of act 1 when Eddie tries to show Rodolpho how to be a `man` by having a boxing fight with him but the audience could of perceived this as Eddie using this opportunity to justify to hitting him, but results in Marco ‘the man’ who believes in family honour, defending his brother  by going “ can you lift this chair” to which Eddie can not do with one hand , but Marco can, which gives Eddie a warning don’t mess with my family, so Eddie feels threatened, the audience get that Eddie is feeling belittled when the narration says “ the chair raised like a weapon over Eddie’s head”, I believe Eddie’s culture and lack of education are the catalyst , to which causes him to be hostile and aggressive so therefore acts out of passion.  

Eddie considers someone to be a man. who is : a provider, responsible, in control, a family man, believes in family honour , has physical strength and hardworking, but Eddie’s behaviour contradicts his own idea’s of masculinity For example when he shows hostility against Rodolpho and eventually Marco, which results in him trying to deport them back to Italy, by reporting to the police that there are illegal immigrants living near him, This contradicts family honour, because he is betraying his family by doing this devious act and losing his respect.

  Another example is when he constantly criticises and makes comments on Catherine on how she dresses by saying her skirt is to short, what's more when he say’s she’s “walkin” wavy” by making this comments he feels Catherine is a possession, and is improperly in love with her and this in addition losses respect because it’s quiet shameful ,furthermore losses it’s family honour and this would not settle right with the community in which he lives in. as a consequence of not being able to deal with this love for Catherine, he turns to the law, instead of dealing with it himself like a ‘man’.

The ways in which Rodolpho conflicts with Eddie’s idea of masculinity is that Rodolpho is not respected because people are laughing at him while he thinks they are laughing with him. Rodolpho came to America with the intent of being an American citizen. Also the practical things he does for example Rodolpho sings, cooks and sews. Eddie constantly criticizes Rodolpho and makes him butt of all the jokes for example “its wonderful. He sings, he cooks, he could make dresses”. In addition Eddie has a problem with the way he spends his money and because he’s slight in build, all of these traits are not acceptable to Eddie. Rodolpho’s actions also leads to Eddie questioning Roldolpho’s sexuality by making comments ` the guy aint right` and is `no good`  ; which Eddie is really trying to say that Rodolpho is gay but is uncomfortable in getting straight to the point because it was illegal to be gay in the time the play was set. He also tries to say that Rodolpho dye’s his hair “he’s a blonde guy. Like… platinum…You what I mean?”

Rodolpho seems immature whilst his brother Marco is the total opposite. Things that also confirm that Rodolpho isn’t seen as a `man`, when Eddie and the other longshoremen call him names like “the kid “, “Paper Doll”, “Danish” “Blondie” and “Canary”, This shows that they see him as feminine and lady-like, These comments that Eddie makes leads up to dramatic tension, for instance when Eddie kisses him at the beginning of act 2. Also when Eddie tries to have a boxing match at the end of act 1.Eddie challenges Rodolpho to a boxing match, in which e says “I show you a couple a passes” to teach him how to be a man. This can be perceived as Eddie trying to confront Rodolpho and prove his manliness and demean Rodolpho’s manliness, or the audience would just have perceived this as Eddie  just simply showing his anger towards Rodolpho physically since Eddie finds it hard to communicate and deal with his feelings. Another scene where Eddie questions Rodolpho sexuality, or his agenda for marrying Catherine is when they having a discussion on oranges in act one, Eddie says “ I heard that they paint the oranges to make them look orange” implying that things aren’t always as they seem, so brings up the theme appearance verses reality.  They also go on to have a discussion where Eddie cast doubt on women’s faithfulness in Italy when their husbands go of to work, to which Rodolpho replies “its more strict in our town” to which Eddies strike’s back with the reply “they think just because a girl go around with a shawl over her head she aint strict” making a comment on American women in which he is questions Rodolpho on his agenda for getting with Catherine. He also indicates that he is angry that Rodolpho did not ask for permission to have a relationship with Catherine, when he makes a comment that in Rodolpho’s town he wouldn’t “drag of some girl without permission”.

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Although Eddie has doubts about Rodolpho, it is obvious to the audience that Rodolpho has genuine feelings for Catherine. He also is a decent guy when he makes comments “I have respect for her”. And he also has respect for Eddie in the boxing match when he says “I don’t want to hit you”. Another time where we believe that Rodolpho really does love Catherine, and that Eddie is acting inappropriately and intolerable is when also Eddie kisses Catherine in act he says “stop that have respect for her”. This leads Rodolpho to defend Catherine and try to attack Eddie, where ...

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