A view from the Bridge analysis. The Vinny Bolzano Scene

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Vinny Bolzano Scene

This scene is the last scene before the arrival of the cousins and Miller demonstrates its significance by building up the dramatic irony of the story, foreshadowing what is yet to come in the play. This scene is also significant as it is the last time that Eddie is truly in control of everyone onstage. Eddie Catherine and Beatrice are the only characters onstage and have been since the start of the play. This symbolises the family’s life in the past, before the cousins arrived.

Catherine starts by asking a seemingly innocent question, however Eddie takes this the wrong way, assuming Catherine may have already said something. Eddie demonstrates his dominance over her by simply looking at her, and making her feel guilty for something she hasn’t done. The stage direction ‘defensively’ suggests Catherine is defending herself from an attack by Eddie, even though all he has done is look at her.

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Throughout the scene Eddie talks down to Beatrice but even more so to Catherine. He uses patronising vocatives such as “kid” to try and belittle Catherine, and make himself more superior. In his line “Baby, I can see we’re getting mixed up again”, Eddie demeans Catherine by calling her “kid” but also uses “we” in a patronising way, similar to how a parent might talk to a small child.

Catherine tries to respond but Eddie refuses to hear her out and starts issuing commands to bother Catherine, and now Beatrice as well, “you don’t see nothing”. Eddie further exerts his ...

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