Act 1 establishes that the play is full of opposites, extremes, contrasting atmospheres and emotions. Explain how these are illustrated in Act 1 and what effect they have on the characters and their actions. Refer to text in detail.

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18th April 2002                                                                                                             Heather Hussey

Act 1 establishes that the play is full of opposites, extremes, contrasting atmospheres and emotions. Explain how these are illustrated in Act 1 and what effect they have on the characters and their actions. Refer to text in detail.

Act 1 introduces many characters, these characters have extremely distinct personalities, which creates diversity and gives a wide verity of contrasting atmospheres this keeps the audience attention. The range of atmospheres can change from bawdy humour to poetic language. Act 1 establishes that some of the characters have a fatalistic approach to life.


Act 1 scene 1 begins with a very dramatic opening and the writer uses his characters Sampson and Gregory to portray a humorous atmosphere for the audience ‘I will push Montague’s men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.’ This line in particular, not only shocks the audience but also adds bawdy humour to the play. Shakespeare uses this line to convey Sampson and Gregory as being boastful and superior to the Montague’s. Shakespeare in this scene creates an atmosphere of excitement for the audience and this keeps the audience interested. The tone drastically changes when two Montague’s enter the scene, which emphasises the extremes of Act1. Shakespeare uses a serious tone to emphasise that the grudge between the two families is in all generations as Sampson urges Gregory to quarrel with the Montague’s for example ‘ Quarrel, I will back thee.’ Sampson insults Abram, a member of the Montague family, by saying ‘ I will bite my thumb at them’ Abram is extremely offended by this and the insult progresses until they are ready to draw their swords. Benvolio enters and shows a strong side of his character when he acts as the peacemaker when he says ‘ Part, fools! Put up your swords, you know what you do.’ Tybalt a member of the Capulet family enters the scene and conveys his character as an energetic and oblivious character for example ‘What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward.’ Benvolio and Tybalt detest each other but Benvolio still doesn’t want to fight but Tybalt does. Shakespeare has made Tybalt’s character the complete opposite to Benvolio’s character; this shows the extremes opposites of Act 1.

Shakespeare changes the atmosphere in scene 1 to keep the audience interested, he shows Romeo’s father Lord Montague and Romeo’s best friend Benvolio show consideration for Romeo for example ‘A troubled mind drive me to walk abroad’. Shakespeare develops Benvolio’s character even more when he promises Lord and Lady Montague he will find out what is wrong with him. Even though Romeo is the main character the audience have not seen him yet. Shakespeare wants the audience to be emotional towards Romeo, so he introduces Romeo when he is in an unstable state of mind. The audience will feel sympathetic towards Romeo as he has a broken heart. The audience will view Romeo as a sensitive and very emotional character. Romeo is telling Benvolio about his love not mentioning her name, Rosaline ‘Out of favour where I am in love.’ The atmosphere changes when Romeo views evidence of a riot ‘O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything of nothing first create!’ Romeo is confused and helpless. Shakespeare uses oxymorons, ‘love’ and ‘hate’; they show Romeo’s emotions and the extreme opposites of the play and are very effective. Shakespeare has to show how much Romeo is in love with Rosaline. Benvolio suggests Romeo should ‘Examine other beauties’ but Romeo is in love and rejects the suggestion ‘ Farewell, thou canst not teach me to forget.’ The contrasting atmospheres are shown strongly in scene 1, and they are used to keep the audience occupied.

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Shakespeare opens scene 2 with a variance of opinions between two generations. Paris a Capulet wishes to marry Juliet, Lord Capulets daughter. Lord Capulet is reluctant. Lord Capulet gives the impression that he had more children but they all died for example ‘ Earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she;’ this shows how important Juliet is to him. Shakespeare portrays Paris as a very impatient character, because he wants to marry Juliet as soon as possible. These two characters are different and it is a case of young versus old. This helps to create contrasting atmospheres and diversity. ...

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