Act 1 Scene 3 the merchant of venice

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Act 1 Scene 3: Consider the meeting between Antonio and Shylock and show how language and delivery combine to indicate the relationship between these two characters. Does Shakespeare prepare us for the struggle that will develop between them later in the play?

The play is about two men, Antonio and Shylock. Shylock is a Jew and Antonio is a Christian so already the audience can see the antagonism that will build up between the two characters. The bond is a deal that Shylock can take 1 pound of flesh from anywhere on his body if Antonio doesn’t pay back the 3,000 ducats that he borrowed in time. Antonio is confident that his ships, (with the money), will arrive in time, but they sink. As the play goes on the drama unfolds. This could be life threatening for Antonio.

The audience expect a friction between Shylock and Antonio because of their religious backgrounds. There is the past conflict and fury between Jews and Christians in Elizabethan Times so already the scene is set for a big battle between them. Obviously we all know that the Jews killed Christ and so the Christians have always hated the Jews. Jews could not eat pork and they were also very mean with their money. They had to wear a gabardine, which is a traditional Jewish coat. Jews weren’t treated with respect or acknowledgement. Also, both Antonio and Shylock are stereotypical so the conflict will be to the extreme.

As Shylock enters, the audience are introduced to him by his quotes where he’s tinkering with the bond. “ Three thousand ducats, well.” “ For three months, well.” He uses the word “well” which shows he’s pondering this bond. His quotes are stated in an unsure tone of voice. Shakespeare is presenting him in this way because he wants he wants the audience to see Shylock as this clever, cunning man. He’s thinking of this bond trying to find a good advantage for him.

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Shylock quotes “ Curs’d be my tribe, If I forgive him! ”, which states his pride in his tribe. Shylock hates the fact that the Christians are treating the Jews with such contempt. He’s so angry and frustrated, “I hate him for he is a Christian”. He states this quote thinking of the way the Christians dominate them and show no respect. He’s also jealous and angry with Antonio, as his money-lending business doesn’t charge interest. “ He lends out money gratis, and brings down the rate of usance here with us in Venice.” He hates Antonio even more ...

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Although there are some apt points made and some good analysis in places, the points are not linked to the title as concisely as they could have been. When you have a very specific title ensure that you are linking your points to each other and to the title, and the analysis relates to the language, structure or form and how they are used to shape meaning in the play. 4 Stars