Adept Ralphael Palmatus stepped off the crew ramp of his shuttle and squinted in the harsh glare of evening sunlight

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English GCSE Fictional Writing

Adept Ralphael Palmatus stepped off the crew ramp of his shuttle and squinted in the harsh glare of evening sunlight. The air was hot and stagnant, not a breath of wind stirred and he could feel sweat prickling on his brow. A shadow fell across him as the giant figure of captain Taelos of the Imperial fists joined him on the lading platform. The captain seemed untroubled by the heat; despite the heavy armour and ceremonial fur cape he wore. Their shuttle sat atop an immensely tall structure and Palmatus could see for miles in all directions across the Stal City. Unlike most imperial cities, this was elegant and very open. Gleaming towers of marble, white steel and glass soared majestically, interconnected by airy walkways at translucent bridges that seemed to defy the natural laws of gravity. He could see dozens of long rail-bound grav-trains snaking their way soundlessly through the city, crossing and intersecting in a graceful ballet, stopping briefly every now and then at various structures before moving off again.

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A section of wall across the platform irised open, a robed figure emerging into the sunlight to meet them. Palmatus kept his face expressionless as he saw that the figure was not Stal, but human. The man was powerfully built, though nowhere near as formidable as Taelos. His skin was deeply tanned and lined, the texture of old leather and his eyes sparkled with wry amusement. He raised a hand in greeting and Palmatus could see the outline of a faded Imperial Eagle tattooed on his forearm.

“Greetings. My name is Harmon Delphi and I welcome you to ...

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