an inspecter calls

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               An inspector calls coursework

How does priestly use dramatic devices to build tension in “An inspector calls”?

In the play “an inspector calls” priestly uses dramatic devices which creates tension for the audience. For example dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is used a lot in the play as well as priestly use of dialogue. The play was set in 1912 but was not written until 1946. The reason for this is because priestly is trying to send the audience a message. The message was that in the play he seems to be asking what kind of society are we trying to save?

Arthur Birling is quite a rich man, he and his family live an upper class life. He is shocked when the inspector turns up to see him.

“An inspector? What kind of inspector?” Mr birling tries to impress the inspector but he is cut short. His attitude changes when he finds out that the inspector is here for everyone. Even then Mr Birling will still not take any reasonability for what has happened. We know this because Mr Birling says “you didn’t come here just to see me then?” This is a surprise to everyone including the audience. This creates tension because it makes the reader want to read on.

However Shelia and Eric take full responsibility for what they had done to her. Shelia cannot cope with the consequences of that poor dead girl and thinks she’s directly to blame. We know this because she says “so I’m really responsible?” Eric also takes the blame for Eva Smith. We know this because he steals money from his dad’s office to give to her. He really cares for her. We know this because he says to his mother”(nearly at breaking point) then-you killed her.” Eric really cared for Eva, he risked a lot for her only to find out she had killed herself and their baby. Both him and Shelia cannot accept their parents treatment of Eva and do not understand why they will not admit that they were wrong.

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The character of inspector “Goole” is a peculiar person. Priestly has used the name Goole because it sounds like “Ghoul” which suggests to the audience that he is supernatural. This creates tension because he is such an unpredictable character the audience aren’t prepared for it neither are the Birlings.

Priestly has used cliffhangers to create tension for the audience. He has mostly used them at the of acts. For example at the end of act 1 “the door slowly opens and the inspector appears looking steadily and searchingly at them”.  Also at the end of act 2 “Eric enters ...

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