An Inspector Calls By J.B Priestley.

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                                       An Inspector Calls                                Emma Oliver 4N1

                                        By J.B Priestley

“An Inspector Calls” is a simple play on the surface that is easy to follow and understand. The plot begins and concludes in one night, and in one room. Priestley has used the play to put across his own opinions and feelings of how he believes the world should be and how humans should treat one another, therefore he has purposely written the play clearly hoping that both his readers and the characters will grasp his message and be left with an incentive to change their ways.

The play is set in the early twentieth century, before the First World War has taken place. This was a time when social class was greatly indulged – those of the upper and middles classes avoided if possible, not to have anything to do with, or to be in any way agreeable to those in working class. By setting the story at this time, Priestley has the opportunity to incorporate this snobbery and apalling attitude of some people to stress the point more strongly to his audience that individuals can be unnecessarily cruel.

The plot of the story is the arrival and interuption made by Inspector Goole to the Birling family’s celebration of the engagement between Sheila Birling (the daughter), and a gentleman called Gerald Croft. The inspector came to the house to reveal to the family that earlier that day a young working class girl – Eva Smith had committed suicide and he wished to learn each member of the family’s involvement with the girl. At first they all are confused to why thay should have anything to do with or even know a girl in working class being a rich family in good society themselves. But as the story of the last few years of Eva’s life unravels it is revealed that each family member in turn had some effect on her motive to take her own life. After their realisation that each was involved, each character acts in a different way – some feeling stong guilt, others none at all.  After accomplishing his task of acquainting the family with their connection to Eva’s suicide, the inspector leaves – leaving behind a disjointed and disfunctional family, with all their secrets exposed.

     The story then takes a sharp twist as the family discover no girl had killed herself that day and there is no such person as Inspector Goole. Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald Croft quickly relax at the information, but become angry believing the evening’s events to be a sick hoax. Sheila Birling and her brother Eric however, believe his visit to be some sort of warning about their lifestyle and attitudes. Things then become more curious as the telephone rings with police calling to say that a young woman had just killed herself and they were sending over an inspector. There the story ends and we are left to question and try to manipulate who or what Inspector Goole really was and why he came.

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Inspector Goole to us is a blank canvas waiting to be interpreted. He was a distant character, whom we never learned anything about, but strangely he was the most important being of them all. His appearance in the play caused the whole story of Eva Smith to be introduced and his presence as an authority figure pushed all the other characters along, allowing all the secrets of previous events to unfold. His arrival in the room had an immediate effect on the atmosphere. Only a few seconds before his arrival, the tone had been happy, light as the family ...

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