An inspector calls by J.B. Priestly

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Ishaq Qamar

Inspector calls

An inspector calls by J.B. Priestly

The play “an inspector calls” by J.B. Priestly is about a suicide in which a whole family is involved. The family that is involved is called the birling family. The play is set in the home of a middle class family, on a spring evening of 1912.The plot centres on the visit made by a mysterious police inspector to a wealthy and apparently respectable family, for the purposes of enquiring the death of a poor and unknown girl. The inspector investigates and reminds each person of the family member in turn of his or her connection with the death of Eva smith, leading each of them to suppose that their unintentional cruelty or thoughtlessness has brought about the girl's death. As the play ends we begin to question the reliability of the inspector, resulting in him being branded as a fake. The family calls the police department to find that Inspector Goole is not employed there, and they find out that he was a fake policeman. However, the younger ones in the family still hold his socialist message that every body affects every body else.

Throughout the whole play Priestly uses a technique called stage directions. The way he uses stage directions is different from most other ways of techniques. In act one when Gerald is speaking to Mrs B. whilst they are talking the stage directions tells us that Gerald is smiling. If Priestly put us in a position where we would not know the fact that Gerald is smiling we wouldn’t get the image of how they are acting. This helps us to realise and make an image of what is happening during the conversation.

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Another useful technique he uses to maintain the readers interested is suspense he has used this technique throughout the whole of the play and has used it very effectively. An example of him using this technique is when Sheila is enjoying her life; happy and is going well (Also the fact that she was young; attractive and engaged to Gerald).

However when the inspector Goole character came into he plot and starts questioning people of the tragic death of a girl named Eva Smith. Sheila’s happiness is abolished into pieces. First of all she is shocked by ...

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