An Inspector Calls - review.

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        Discuss: The Themes of "An Inspector Calls"

        J.B.Priestly set this play in 1912, the Edwardian Era, but wrote it in 1942, during the Second World War. This meant that had insight into what was to happen in the later years that would follow the play. The speech where this shows most is in Mr Birlings speech where he talks about the “unsinkable ship...Titanic...” that “...sets off next week”. And the other one where he says, “I think there isn’t a chance of war”. Both these speeches show that Mr Birling didn’t have a clue to what was going on in the outside world. The whole speech of Mr Birlings has dramatic irony. At this time, the 2nd World War was going on and J.B.Priestly knew this and that makes it another example of dramatic irony. 

        The factory conditions at the turn of the century were not so good. Some factory workers were called “Counter Jumpers” because their wages were paid by the year, as they were too low to be paid by the week. The hours the workers had to work were long and hard.

The workers were fined out of their wages for little things like 3d (or 1¼p) for for leaving their work area dirty and 3d (or 1¼p) for talking. Other fines included dirty work area and even sitting down.

         Eva was earning the same as the other workers, 22 shillings and 6 pence. Some of the workers asked for a raise to 25 shillings. They were refused and the ringleaders were sacked to “Set an example that they could not get away with it”. This included Eva. At that time, there was no welfare state so that if you lost your job than you were not likely to get another one. This was the cause of a lot of girls turning to prostitution. Eva was lucky in this play as she got another job at Milwards, when a lot of girls wouldn’t. Then Sheila got her fired from that job as well because she was jealous. Sheila even admitted that “she was a pretty girl...If she had been a plain thing then I would not have done it”. So Eva then was to turn to prostitution to get the money she needed to support herself. This is where she met Gerald at the Palace Bar then later she would become pregnant with Eric’s baby.

        The scene opens in the drawing room of a large and well-furnished house. There is a family sitting down at the table. There are parents and their two children, Sheila and Eric and their daughter’s fiancé, Gerald. Each of the characters at the beginning of this play all seems to have an almost collective character. They are all inocent of the outside world, and even Mr Birling says, “I think there isn’t a chance of war...”, and “In 2-3 years, you will be having a little party of your own...your son or daughter will be getting engaged

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At the time he mentions, there is World War 1 going on. Priestly knew this, and that makes it ironic.

        Mr Birling is a “hard headed businessman” who is trying to go up in the world. You can tell this, as he says, “this is the same port as what your father has” to Gerald Croft. He is trying to go up in the world, because he tries to impress Gerald.

        Mrs Birling is her husbands’ social superior, which means that she was born into a high class. You can tell this as she says, “You’re not supposed to ...

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