Analyse how information is presented in Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

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Analyse how information is presented in Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

This essay will discuss in depth, the techniques both Tabloids and Broadsheets employ to present the information in their respective newspapers. The definition of a Tabloid is a small sized paper with many pictures, whilst a Broadsheet is generally a larger sized paper with a focus more on text than pictures. Size is not the only topic that will be covered in the essay; this essay will also explore the use of language of a paper, the main conventions of a paper such as The Headline and puffs, the use of visual effects such as pictures, adverts and special features such as double page spreads. The title poses the question of “how information is presented in Tabloid and Broadsheet newspapers”.

From the Masthead to the Article the reader is inundated with information, this comes in many forms depending on the paper and its format. Tabloids utilize a number of methods for the transfer of information; this could include the use of Headlines, pictures and use of Language.

The use of pictures in Tabloids is crucial to their success and popularity. Like most points the use of Pictures is important but is complimentary to another aspect of Tabloids and would not have nearly the same amount of effectiveness without the other conventions of the paper. The expression that a picture is worth a thousand words is not to be underestimated when examining tabloids. Tabloids often pick their pictures specifically for the type of story they want and more importantly the stance they want to take for this story, for example the picture featured in the Daily Express 6 September 2005 depicted two heavily armed police officers in the recently devastated city of New Orleans. This greatly complimented the article which even though reported on the recent disaster of Hurricane Katrina focused more on the lack of security forces in the area and the actions police had to take to keep control over the general populous. The picture itself did give the reader a feeling of the type of place New Orleans now was, that being a very dangerous one, and so in that sense the picture succeeded in rousing some sort of emotion in the reader before even having set about reading the text. The picture was very sensationalist as was the language and so the two complemented each other perfectly. This use of pictures to complement articles by giving the reader an insight on the article subject is common practice by both Tabloids and Broadsheets. But it is Tabloids who take it one step further and use pictures to stir emotions within the reader which to some extent subsidises and even does away with the need for emotive language within the article but not altogether. As pictures still do in many cases support the text.

Everywhere we look on a paper we are consciously or subliminally gathering information. When a reader sees a masthead such as that of The Sun they have already gained information on the kind of paper it is and therefore what kind of stories it features. The Sun’s masthead for example with it’s big and bold white font set on a bright red background suggests that the paper is cheerful, not too serious and is a light read. This information can be gathered simply by the connotations that the actual masthead emanates as well as the simple preconception that the reader has from hear say and maybe previous experience of the paper.

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One of the main aspects of Tabloids is their use of Headlines and Sub-titles. Tabloids are shrewd in the art of Headlines, they are artful manipulators of language and this is one of the main “weapons” in their “armoury”. The Headline is one of the first things a prospective customer sees when browsing through the racks of papers, if the headline sounds appealing then hopefully the paper will be just as good, a lot of Tabloid sales depends on their headlines. Tabloids use such techniques as puns, rhetorical questions, alliteration, assonance and more. These techniques make a headline appealing ...

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