Analyse how Priestly uses the inspector to create tension and suspense in 'An Inspector Calls'

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Ruby Rumjon

Analyse how Priestly uses the inspector to create tension and suspense in ‘An Inspector Calls’

J.B Priestly wrote ‘An Inspector Calls’ in 1945 just when the welfare state began. J.B Priestly set his play in Edwardian Britain 1912; however Edwardian Britain society was still very Victorian in its attitude and structure. For example the rich, who were privileged, were meant to help out the poor through charities, as there was no welfare state. As well as the fact that social benefits did not exist at that time, but they chose not to. It was classed as the Victorian ways. Rich women did set up charities but they got to decide who they money went too.

We can see how the social structure of the rich helping the poor out of a sense of responsibility for the privileges they had does not work in Priestley’s play. Priestley’s main character Eva is not helped by the privileged Birlings. Priestly has hindsight and uses this to create tension in the play. This is shown in the use of the titanic, “…unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable…” But in real life the boat did actually sink.

Also Priestly wrote his story two years before the outbreak before WW1. Due to the setting he makes the message clearer and shows the division in equality.

His theme to the play is “think before you act” and “our actions to others have consequences” and throughout the story we hear this. Three main points in how priestly uses the inspector to create tension and suspense are, how he interviews each character one by one, how he is strict and rude towards them and, lastly how he seems to know everything. Priestly also intended to instruct the audience about the condition of man caught between the religious need for goodness and the temptations of evil. All these issues are shown through the characters. Eva holds fast to principles. She does not become a prostitute at any stage in her life. She does want to marry Eric after she has found out she is pregnant because she knows he is not in love with her and that it would ruin his social status. Lastly she does not accept money from Eric when she finds out he has been stealing it from his father’s office.

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The first time when inspector Goole enters he creates suspense. Firstly his name is a pun on ghoul, similar to ghost. As well as we never learn the first name for him. This makes it even more suspicious. Suspense is created by the fact that he breaks up the family party and takes all the joy and excitement away. Somehow he knows it all, what the truth is and what a lie is. His character is constant throughout the play and he never changes. He is looked at as God as he some how points the finger at their ...

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