Analyse the characters of Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar, The relationship between the two men and their relationship with others

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Chris Mckellar

Analyse the characters of Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar, The relationship between the two men and their relationship with others

        The relationship between Jack twist and Ennis del mar is a very confusing and hard for both of them. At the start of the film Ennis talks about something he seen as a boy. He talks of a gay couple who one day they were found beaten to death. Ennis says: "My dad, he made sure me and my brother saw it. For all I know, he did it." This sets the attitude for the rest of the film that gay couples are wrong and are rejected from society. For Ennis to tell Jack this means he must trust jack a lot and possibly hinting at what could happen if they ever got together.

        The film starts of the two men not talking a lot just getting on with what they have to do and then goes to the two talking more and more each one agrees that there not gay but you know they are just in denial or confused. In one scene where Ennis is washing in the river Jack is in view at the front of the camera you know jack wants to look but doesn’t actually look probably because he is still confused or is unsure how jack feels. Ennis and Jack are two very different characters, but the bond between them grows and they become more than friends. In the scene where there in the tent they have sex and it shows you the next morning they don’t talk about it or their feeling but go and do their daily jobs. The film is very good at showing their feelings because you never hear them say "I love you", but the desire for companionship and love is ever-present throughout the film.

        A lot of the scenes shows a long shot of the character looking out to the snowy mountain in the background or an empty environment with dull cold colours which shows the characters emotional loneliness its only when the two characters are in shot you feel the warmth between them. It’s more effective them not talking a lot because if they are constantly telling each other they love each other it would get boring and annoying for the viewers. Them being very quiet about their relationship shows it’s a strong bond between them without having to go over the top all the time. In some of the scenes they get quite physical with each other and end up getting hurt but it shows they are having fun out of it. At the end of summer Ennis says "This is a one-shot thing we got going on here," Jack agrees and says “I guess I’ll see ya around, huh?” the boss tells jack he can’t come back after he seen them playing and realised there gay. After saying it’s a one shot thing both try to get back to their normal lives however the feelings for one and another get too strong for both and things start to go wrong. Some years pass. Both men get married to try and be normal their relationships with their wife’s are good but false during the wedding the camera faced Ennis face and you could see him staring into space the look said it all he is gay and misses Jack.

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        At the time of their first reunion, Jack and Ennis kiss furiously and in full view of Ennis’ wife. This kiss signifies the sheer uncontrollability of their emotions and attraction. Ennis wife doesn’t say anything about the kiss but finds it all too hard to deal with. Jack goes round to Ennis every month for so called “Fishing Trips” but uses that as an excuse to be with Ennis their relationship is unbreakable not even the marriage effected their feelings Jack even says he has waited 4 years to see Ennis again. The pressure of being married, kids and ...

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