Analyse the significance of Act 3 Scene 3 of Othello commenting on plot, characters, themes, language and structure.

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Analyse the significance of Act 3 Scene 3 of Othello commenting on plot, characters, themes, language and structure.

        Sometime between the years 1604 and 1611 William Shakespeare penned the tragic tale of Othello.

        The basic plot of the play is structured around an evil, cunning, crass, power hungry being by the name of Iago. He manipulates his fellow characters causing mass destruction, chaos and many deaths.

        The play begins in Venice; however the majority of it is set in Cyprus. At the very beginning of the play you see Roderigo (a fool in love) and Iago, on a street in Venice, discussing Roderigos’ love for a woman by the name of Desdemona. However Desdemona (at the same time as this) is secretly marrying the title character Othello. After Brabantio (Desdemona’s father) finds out about his daughters marriage to the ‘Moor’ the play moves to Cyprus. It is from this point in the play that Iago begins to manipulate his fellow characters. Iago’s manipulation finally comes to an end when his wife Emilia reveals his cunningness. There are a number of deaths as the play reaches its climax: it includes 3 murders and one suicidal act.      

        In this essay I will analyse the significance of act 3 scene 3 which in my view is the most pivotal scene in the play.

        The characters who participate in this particular scene are: Desdemona; Emilia; Cassio; Iago and Othello. It is clear that the closer Iago and Othello become in regards to their social relationship, the further apart Othello and Desdemona become. Iago acts as a wedge between the two. Cassio and Amelia, though they are not big characters are probably the reason that this scene is so pivotal: if Emilia didn’t provide Iago with the handkerchief would Othello have believed him?; it as at the receiving of the handkerchief that Iago and Emilia get ‘personal’ and Emilia is begging and pleading for Iago’s attention; however at the end she doesn’t want anything to do with him because of his destruction. Cassio on the other hand is an innocent character whom is just a secondary character in nearly the whole play; it is others who build up his status in the play by introducing him into conversations and problems: it is Cassio who instigates Iago’s complex plan but by no intentional fault of his own.

        Just before this scene Iago had got Cassio intoxicated with alcohol and instigated him to fight with Montano. Othello stripped Cassio of his rank and had handed it to Iago. Cassio had then turned to Iago for advice, Iago had told him to seek help from Desdemona.

        During act 3 Scene 3 Iago manipulates Othello leading him to believe he is being cuckolded (cheated on). Iago does this by using an intelligent convoluted plan; there are so many different aspects and so may different people involved yet he has the flexibility to adapt to others actions, for example when Emilia provided Iago with Desdemonas handkerchief.  Othello begins unsure, however Iago in the end succeeds. Othello by this point is very disturbed and demands proof; Iago’s wife however insures Iago has it. She steals a unique strawberry spotted handkerchief Desdemona had received as a gift from Othello. As Othello now has proof he has no doubt in his mind. He and Iago make a pact to kill pure hearted Desdemona and misunderstood Cassio.

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        Act 3 scene 3 begins with Desdemona, Emilia and Cassio. Cassio has fallen for Iagos trap and taken his advice and has gone to Desdemona for help. Desdemona being unaware of the situation continues to be the kindhearted character she began the play as and assures Cassio she will do her best to help.

        On the contrary to Desdemona’s consistent character her spouse changes from the much-loved character he once was to a crass crude man. You can clearly see his innocence deteriorate with the time he spends with Iago. Iagos words are like acid to Othello, burning his ...

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