Analyse war poets and their poetry. Wilfred Owen, Bob Dylan and Jon Shumann.

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War and protest Poetry

To what extent are the poets studied critical about war?

The protest of war has been recorded in different written forms such as in poetry and song lyrics. The effects of the many wars for example, WWI, WWII, Korean War, and the Vietnam War, have been written about to encourage anti-war opinions amongst the people. Three such poets include Wilfred Owen a famous WWI anti-war poet, Bob Dylan a famous songwriter, performer and policatl activtist and more modern day war [protest poetry songwriter and also policiatl eactivist Jon Shumann.

War is a time of suffering and controversy

World War One poet, Wilfred Owen tells of a personal struggle with war and its horror and questions how a country can support this. In the poem Dulce et ecorum Est. Wilfred portrays the war in horrible imagery and his disapproval and therefore criticism of war is shown through the the horrific imagery of what it is really like to be fighting overseas. In describing the conditions in where the soldiers struggled “gutterin g……”Wilfred critics war through the irony of the poem showing that it is not honourable to die for ones country. The image of war gets into Owen’s thoughts ands dreams forcing him to remember the horror. The poem is written to shock people to change their minds about war and to not think about war as being good or glorious. “Sweet and honourable it is, to die for the fatherland.” Uses words like ‘’’’’’’’ to encourage a feeling of the reader to agree and support anti-war sentiments. Reflects the cruel reality – death and suffering

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If someone could see what he has seen, would realise that it is not good to die for your country and wouldn’t say it is wonderful to die for your country.

Another well known anti-war activist is Bob Dylan, who focused more on the Cold War. One of Bob Dylan’s songs Masters of War uses ctiricism through lyrics to deal with the injustice in the politics and even in society in the 1960’s.  The politics of war influenced Bob Dylan and the music he wrote “politics…….”  Wars created by the government and political figures, crtisising their choices. Believe that ...

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