Analysis of Nothing's Changed and Charlotte O'Neils song

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GCSE English        Poems From Different Cultures Coursework

I have been studying poems from different cultures. The two I have been studying are Nothing’s Changed, by Tatamkhulu Afrika and Charlotte O’Neil’s Song, written by Fiona Farrell. Nothing’s Changed was written about District 6 in Cape Town which was really racist which is now not even though it still is racist. Charlotte O’Neil’s Song was written about lower class people going to New Zealand to escape the racism in England.

Nothing’s Changed, talks about how racist Cape Town is after white people went to the town. In the first stanza, the writer shows that Cape Town doesn’t have proper footpaths, ‘Small round hard stones click under my heels,’ This shows that District 6 is not a very nice place to be because it has stones instead of footpaths. The writer also shows that there is long grass on the footpaths, ‘seeding grasses thrust bearded seeds into trouser cuffs,’ This shows that the footpaths also are grassy as well as having stones on them. The writer also shows that the area is covered in rubbish and weeds, ‘cans, trodden on, crunch in tall, purple-flowering, amiable weeds.’ This shows that there is also rubbish and weeds on the path where the writer is walking.

In the second stanza, the writer also shows that there are no signs pointing to district 6, ‘District Six. No board says it is:’ this shows that district 6 is a lonely place where people do not want to go. But he shows he knows district 6 by, ‘But my feet know, and my hands, and the skin about my bones, and the soft labouring of my lungs,’ This shows that the writer has been there before because he is familiar with the place. He also shows how angry he is by, ‘and the hot, white, inwards turning anger of my eyes.’ This builds up tension and makes you want to read on through the poem because you do not know what he is angry about.

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In the third stanza, the writer starts to show what he is angry about, ‘Brash with glass, name flaring like a flag,’ this shows that the writer is getting more angry by walking closer to where he is going. He also shows that the area is still growing, ‘in the grass and weeds, incipient Port Jackson trees:’ this shows that District Six is still developing. He also shows he is walking by or near to a posh place, ‘new, up-market, haute cuisine,’ this shows that the place he is describing is expensive and upper class. The writer also shows that ...

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