Analysis of the opening scene of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet. In particular, the contemporary relevance of its setting and characters.

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Analysis of the opening scene of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet. In particular, the contemporary relevance of its setting and characters.

The film that I am analysing is called Romeo and Juliet. It was released in 1996 and the director is called Baz Luhrmann. Leonardo DiCaprio starred as Romeo and Claire Danes starred as Juliet. It was very successful because in the first opening week it got $11million and the second week it got $9million. The aim of the film was to entertain and interest the audience just like Shakespeare did. Baz Luhrmann wanted to make a more modern version because he wanted it to be easier for the younger viewers to understand. In his own words he wanted to “knock Shakespeare off his pedestal.”

The setting has been changed from the original because in the original the fight scene was set in a market square and the Capulets’ start it but in the new version the Montagues’ started it and it was set in a petrol station. Luhrmann did this deliberately as he wanted to show that both families were to blame for the feud. The film began with the Montagues when they drive into the petrol station to fill up their car and the Capulets drive in and see the Montagues and they start to argue. The part where a boy gets shot at the beginning is cut because Luhrmann thought that it would be too dramatic to see that early on in the film (and an assassin had walked into an American school and shot lots of innocent children just before the film was made). The opening scene was used to grab the audience’s attention with the big gun fight in the petrol station because the audience are made aware that something like an explosion is going to happen because it has a sign that says ‘Phoenix add more fuel to your fire.’ This adds tension for the audience.

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The themes of the play are Religion, War, Gang warfare and racism which were all written in the original by Shakespeare and are still kept as part of the film today. In this scene there are 170 different camera shots and it lasts about five minutes. Luhrmann stresses the rivalry between the two families and the theme of racism by making the Capulets Latino and the Montagues Anglos.  

Luhrmann’s version of the scene has been set in a petrol station instead of a market place because now a day you are more likely to see people in ...

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