Animal testing is a completely immoral and cruel act that we humans are committing.

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Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

Today, I read something horrific in the newspapers. I had heard briefly about this topic earlier, but now, after reading this article, my eyes have been opened to the reality of this inhumane act. Animal testing is a completely immoral and cruel act that we humans are committing. How is it right for us to take innocent lives of animals to test chemicals and other such materials? The animals are not the ones who are going to be the users of the final product. It is technically murder and that is just animal cruelty. You cannot treat animals with such disrespect and brutality. These experiments are usually done on rats or mice. Most scientists justify their experiments by saying that the lifespan of these common animals are very short, so how does it even matter? That is the most unjust thing I have heard in my life! A life is worth living and nobody has the right to take it away from you, be it a lifespan of a hundred years, or a lifespan of a meagre 5 days. The population of many animals are decreasing rapidly and animal testing could just be one of the major reasons for this drop.

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I understand that animal testing saves a million lives. But, I don’t understand why innocent and healthy animals are killed for the greater good. If animals must be killed, why don’t the aged, unhealthy animals get tested? It makes sense that animals are killed instead of humans, but it is cruel. It would be even crueller to sacrifice young children or the elderly for such experiments. Medical advancements and adjustments can be made to substances so that there are no side effects. If there was no animal testing, the cure for polio would never have been found. So, animal testing ...

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