Another person who is represented by a mockingbird is Boo Radley

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Another person who is represented by a mockingbird is Boo Radley. Boo stays in the house all day he never comes out of his house until we reach the end of the novel. As he never comes out the children, Boo and Scout don't know what he looks like. They all imagine him to look like a monster. They think that he is a scary person who hates everyone. The children often played games where they dared each other to go and touch the Radley's front door or to touch the Radley's gate.

In a way Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are similar in the fact that they both have been imprisoned as they have done something wrong, Boo Radley is imprisoned in his house, while Tom is imprisoned in jail, and they have both been demonised by the outside world. Although they are similar they also have many differences between them. They were both different race, Boo was eventually freed but Tom dies. Tom Robinson was trapped by the state as he was accused of raping a white girl, whereas Boo is being trapped by his brother for the trouble he caused to the neighbourhood many years ago. Whereas Atticus speaks out for Tom Robinson in court, Scout speaks out for Boo Radley.

Another example of a mockingbird type character is Atticus Finch. Atticus symbolises justice, morality and judgement. Atticus is also free of prejudice. He is represented by a mockingbird as he is a harmful person, in

Mockingbirds don't do one thing but... sing their heart out for us. That's why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird." The movie 'To kill a mockingbird' depicts the destruction of the innocent by the evils of the society. Mockingbird is a symbol of innocence, characterized by Tom Robinson and Arthur Radley (Boo) where racial prejudice and ignorance are the symbol of evils in the society.

Tom Robinson, an African-American is accused by Mayela, a white woman, of sexual molestation. Atticus, a prominent lawyer of the town Maycomb, has proved that Tom Robinson is innocent but still the "all-white jury" convicts Robinson of the guilt. Tom Robinson, a "quite humble respectable Negro", becomes the victim of racial prejudice. Arthur Radley (Boo) has been emotionally destroyed by his father, as his father did not let him step outside the house. Boo is one of the "mockingbirds" in the story, who is the victim of ignorance; evil of the society which is trying to kill the good. Boo had a deep affection for children, which is later displayed in the story, when Boo saves Jim and Scout from Bob Ewells.

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"There are some men in the world who are born to do unpleasant jobs for us; your father is one of them", said Maudie to Jim after his father (Atticus) lost the case of Tom Robinson. Atticus helped his children to learn values of life and he showed them how to live life by the values; preaching by practicing. Atticus allowed his children to call him by his name instead of 'father'. He wanted his children to explore freedom, but also taught them to stay in limits. Jim is brave, intelligent, and caring. He learns courage, dignity, and value of ...

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