Anthology Poem Comparisions

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Emma Brock

Compare the ways Duffy and Armitage present anti-social behaviour in Education for Leisure and Hitcher

In ‘Education for Leisure’, written by Carol Ann Duffy, the reader gets the impression the person in the poem is disturbed. They go on a killing spree, starting with whatever they can find, after “there is nothing left to kill” they get a knife and go outside, however the reader does not know what happens next.

The person in the poem feels resentment when people ignore them: “I have had enough of being ignored”. This makes the reader think that they have bin rejected and that they are now bitter about it. They say, “They don’t appreciate my autograph” which makes the reader think that the person in the poem wants to be famous, however is instead ignored. This is quite contrasting, as the person in the poem is very arrogant. “I am a genius”; “I could be anything at all”. Also many of the lines begin with “I” which shows how they talk about themselves a lot. So this could be why they are so confused, the person thinks very highly of itself however no one else seems to.

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A major theme in this poem in death and killing. They kill a fly and a fish, which makes the person in the poem feel powerful and intelligent; also maybe a cry for attention. However, the reader can see a lack of intelligence by the use of colloquial language: “I pour the goldfish down the bog”. Death is also a key theme in ‘Hitcher’ by Simon Armitage.

In this poem, the narrator picks up a hitchhiker. However he beats him up, whilst driving and then throws him out of the car. “You can walk from there”    


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