'Antony's use of rhetoric in Act3, Scene2 is more effective than Brutus'.

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‘Antony’s use of rhetoric in Act3, Scene2 is more effective than Brutus’.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? 26

If one considers merely the apparent ‘winner’ of the argument in Act 3, Scene 2, then Antony is the obvious choice as the better orator. However, Brutus probably had a more difficult job as he had to convince the crowd to forgive him for the murder of the (effective) head of the Roman Empire. In fact, the use of rhetorical devices in both speeches is extensive and generally well balanced. This has been affected by the order in which the men spoke to the crowd, which could, to some extent, alter the opinion of the rhetorical devices used.

Rhetorical devices in the passage are well used, especially in the case of Antony and his use of pathos, although one may argue that in this instance pathos is particularly easy to use. An example of pathos is,’…I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong (who you all know) are honourable men. I will not do them wrong; I rather choose, to wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, then to wrong such honourable men.’ This quote in some ways appears at first glance to be pro-Brutus but the undertones are more malicious and if said in grief, could evoke powerful emotional reactions from the audience which is one of Antony’s main objectives, so to make the plebeians turn against the conspirators in their, and at the sight of Antony’s grief.

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Brutus’ use of rhetorical techniques in this instance are very interesting, because instead of just using just lots of one technique, like Antony, Brutus uses a range in order to manipulate his audience. Brutus uses ethos and by doing this develops his authority in the hope that the plebeians will accept him as their leader. ‘Believe me for mine honour and have respect for mine honour that you may believe’, is a prime example of ethos. In this phrase, Brutus attempts to show the crowd that he ‘is an honourable man’, an idea that Antony virulently counteracts during his speech. Another ...

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This is an accomplished essay which demonstrates effective writing skills and a good knowledge of the text as well as a command of rhetorical devices. The writer should not allow this knowledge to override the text itself. ****