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SAMUEL AIGBOTSUA WOOLWICH POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL11B1 ARE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIAL FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT? First of all, let’s STOP! And THINK! What would we do without technology in our present day life? Almost nothing, isn't it interesting that today we move around with cars? We do most of our works in the office with computers, we make cars, aeroplanes, rockets, and we pack our food stuff with computer controlled robots. How do we manufacture these amazing artefacts and the computer and robots we use? Isn't
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it TECHNOLOGY?  Coming to the aspect of “if engineering and technology are essential for future development” OH! Think of engineering... what comes to your mind? Producing things, repairing equipments? Yes that comes to my mind often when I hear engineering, but what of the roads we drive through to work and school every day? THINK!! Someone has to draw and design the road. Back to the question, yes engineering and technology would be very essential in my point of view because, with technology which involves the thinking aspect, is needed to be able to do many things and without technology, ...

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