Asboville tells the story of JB, a sixteen year old verging on delinquency.

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Asboville essay

Asboville tells the story of JB, a sixteen year old verging on delinquency. After warnings about stone-throwing, keying cars (scratching a key on the car body work) , breaking windows and making children's play parks a no go zone for the under 14s and the over 17s alike, he is caught vandalising property. He is served with an ASBO, his likeness is pasted up on posters all over his estate, and he is sent to live with his uncle in a quiet seaside town. His punishment is to work at painting the beach huts. At one hut each day, it will take JB the entire summer. However is-this what it is always going to be like for JB? Or is there a ray of hope?

The book opens on the estate where JB, Scooby, Carla and Dicko are kicking around. We also learn that ‘JB’S court case was just two days away. ’Already the book has started off with in a negative state. In addition his behaviour is like the other teenagers in this novel, he doesn’t think about consequences until it’s too late.

In chapter two JB is on the train, heading to Haycliffe. He’s missing his friends. There’s a moment where JB stares out of the window at the backs of houses and eventually sees a reflection of himself. He doesn’t like what he sees. ‘JB punched the window. A blast of pain shot up his arm.’ Furthermore he feels that they are making an example of him. ‘Stuck the ASBO on him. Made an example of him.’

JB takes a taxi to Lowes Field where his Uncle lives. He sees the town from the taxi and the driver complains about how the place has changed. Eventually they arrive at a broken down caravan park and JB is left there in the place that is to become his home. Even when he moves to the beach it seems broken and unfriendly, also the driver of the taxi feels sympathy for JB when he gives the driver ‘a tenner out of his pocket and handed it over… then gave JB a fiver back. “Looks like you need it,” he said.’ This shows that he knows what lies ahead for JB is going to be difficult. This further proves that this novel is pessimistic

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In chapter seven JB is starting to make changes as JB is introduced to his new life of painting beach huts. There’s a brief flashback to an event in his childhood and then we’re back on the beach again. He challenges his uncle briefly and is defeated. Boredom sets in. This shows a slight change from vandalism to work that helps himself rebuild. ‘”its’ only a beach hut!” his uncle turned to face him “never `only`, jay. Not when it’s your living.”’ This shows that his Uncle is trying to teach him. This shows a ray of hope for JB.


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