Asperger's Syndrome Letter

Authors Avatar by aisha_issaoutlookcom (student)

Dear Teachers,

In my years of teaching children with Asperger’s syndrome I’ve come to know that majority of educators don’t know how to behave when a child demonstrates symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, which is a lifetime disability that has emotional impact on how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. There are people that don’t know they have Asperger’s syndrome when they are young. This is the reason why Asperger’s syndrome is referred to as the ‘hidden disability.’ The first test is to recognise that Asperger's Syndrome presents serious challenges for both the student and you. It can be extremely misleading, almost covered up to the untrained eye at first. Students with Asperger's Syndrome can, at times, look and act identically to their developing peers. Further, these students have a tendency to execute as well or better intellectually over their classmates, which has the possibility to mask the effects of the disorder.

The students with Asperger’s syndrome would sometimes make you feel like you’re unstable for your profession. That’s a mutual feeling when teachers have to educate someone with a disability. Take a breather and put yourself in their shoes. Picture yourself being in an alien cultural to your own, where you are always in danger of breaking norms and values you don't understand, and you struggle to keep up with the flow of communication that comes naturally to those around you. This is how a student with Asperger’s syndrome might feel in a school environment.

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Due to problems with communication and shortage of understanding social interaction a child with Asperger’s syndrome may find group work difficult. This would lead to the child not to perform well in teams and some children may refuse to communicate with anyone. This behaviour wouldn’t last long so would guardedly improve or contact the parents or guardian of the child to make them aware and possibly send their child to therapy, where they could benefit from.

Don’t demand a student with Asperger’s syndrome to maintain eye contact with you. In my first year of teaching I asked a twelve ...

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