At A Potato Digging

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At a Potato Digging Monday 17th March

) Write four brief and simple paragraphs explaining the subject matter of each of the four sections of the poem.

In Section I a spinner (which is a machine once used for spinning the potatoes out of the ground) moves across the field. The labourers follow the machine, picking up the potatoes and putting them into baskets. It is cold; the worker's fingers are dead with cold. Every so often they take their full baskets back to the pit to empty them.

In Section II Heaney writes specifically about the potatoes. They lie on the ground; some of them are "flint-white" and some are "purple". Sometimes potato crops were blighted (by a fungus) making the whole crop fail, and in earlier days this resulted in famine as the population relied on the potato harvest for food. But in this case the crop is a "clean birth", and the potatoes are fine. The soil falls away from the potatoes as they are picked from the ground.

In Section III describes the misery and tragedy caused when the potato harvest in Ireland failed for five years in a row (The Great Potato Famine 1845-1849). The rural poor depended entirely on the potato crop for food, and many died of starvation or from diseases resulting from starvation. Many immigrated to places such as America and Britain. In 1844 Ireland's population was eight and a half million, but by 1851 it had fallen to six and a half million. The devastation caused by this famine is described in this section of the poem.

In Section IV returns to the present day harvesting of the potato crop introduced in Section I of the poem. It is lunch time, and the workers stop for their mid-day meal. They have brown bread and cans of tea. In modern Ireland they are no longer dependent on the potato crop for survival. They work for wages and buy the food that they want.

2) (a) Pick out the words and phrases from the first part of the poem which seem to you to be particularly effective in describing the scene.

* "Drill", in the first line, does not refer to a machine, but the row of potatoes - called a "drill" because the machine or person that plants the seed-potatoes (not really seeds, but sprouting tubers) drills a series of holes into which the seed-potatoes go.

* "Crumbled surf" shows that the waves of the sea mirror the shape of the fields because of the imprint left behind by the machines.

* "Black / Mother" implies that the earth was seen in different ways - it could give life and take life away, it could nourish people and it could starve people.

(b) Describe, as vividly as you can, the picture created by Heaney in the first section of the poem of the workers in the field following the machinery and picking up the potatoes.
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* Fingers are described as getting very cold, so cold they "go dead". This shows that the workers will work regardless of the weather, demonstrating their diligence.

* In the first stanza, the labourers are said to "swarm" behind the machine. This is very impersonal, as it puts all of the workers in a group and takes away their individuality.

* A simile is used at the start of stanza two to describe the workers "like crows attacking crow-black fields". The image of birds likens the workers to the common sight of scavenger birds following a ...

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