At the End of the Play Alfieri Says 'And so I Mourn for him-I admit it -With a Certain……Alarm' How Does Miller Present the Changing Relationships between Eddie and Alfieri During the Play?

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William Bowles 10A                                                              25/6/03

A the End of the Play Alfieri Says ‘And so I Mourn for him-I admit it –

With a Certain……Alarm’ How Does Miller Present the Changing

Relationships between Eddie and Alfieri During the Play?

Throughout the play Arthur Miller presents a natural growth in the relationship between Eddie and Alfieri and displays a gradual increase in emotions between them.

When Eddie first approaches Alfieri with his quandaries he opens up his worries deeply and emotionally but Alfieri stays professional. ‘Eddie: I see it in his eyes; he’s laughing at her and he’s laughing at me. Alfieri: Eddie I’m a lawyer, I can only deal with what is provable. You understand that don’t you? Can you prove that?’   Eddie obviously feels very happy to open up to Alfieri because he hasn’t told anyone his feelings before then. Alfieri is replying in a flat and impassionate manner. ‘Now look Eddie’ He is almost giving Eddie the cold shoulder and saying ‘Eddie there is nothing I can do so wake up and deal with it. Eddie is saying things to Alfieri and coming across as frantic and desperate for an answer that will help him. Eddie doesn’t calm down throughout their first talk and starts to get irritable when he feels Alfieri is patronising him. He says things like ‘I know what is in my mind Mr. Alfieri.’ And ‘Listen………will you listen to me a minute.’ And ‘Wait a minute I’m telling you sump’m.’ And ‘Mr. Alfieri I can’t believe what you’re telling me.’ Eddie obviously doesn’t like the response he is getting. He doesn’t like Alfieri’s blunt and inconsiderate reaction to his exertion.

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As their first talk comes to an end Alfieri shows his intelligence about his analysis of the situation and Eddie doesn’t like it. ‘Alfieri: But Eddie she’s a woman now. Eddie: He’s stealing from me!’ Eddie actually steers away from what Alfieri said about Catherine becoming a woman and refers back to his hatred and jealousy towards Rodolpho.  Alfieri: She wants to get married Eddie, she can’t marry you can she? Eddie: What you talking about marry me! I don’t know what the hell you talking about! Eddie gave a furious response to the hint Alfieri had given. He ...

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